Synonym with Hindi Meaning word Start From 'P and Q'
The Most Selected of Words from Previous Exam / Synonyms Start From P and Q
Word अर्थ Synonym
Populace आबादी population, colony, settlement, pop, township
Pamper संतुष्ट करना flatter, indulge
Prickle काँटा cambrel, barb, grapnel
Paramount आला दर्जे का foremost, eminent
Predicament स्थिति situation, state, case, location
Peerless अद्वितीय matchless,unrivalled
Pounce झपट्टा swoop, lunge, pounce, rush, sally
Peevish चिड़चिड़ा perverse, sullen
Prop सहारा Affiance, fulcrum, peg, stand-by
Perverse विकृत petulant,obstinate
Placid शांत tranquil, calm
Pompous गर्वित haughty, arrogant
Precarious अनिश्चित doubtful, insecure
Predicament स्थिति plight, dilemma
Premature असामयिक precocious,untimely
Prodigious अस्वाभाविक vast, enormous
Prodigy कौतुक miracle, marvel
Profligate अपव्ययी dissolute,degenerate
Profuse विपुल lavish, abundant
Proscribe देश से निकालना prohibit, exclude
Protract बढ़ाना prolong, delay
Provoke भड़काना inflame, incite
Prudent विवेकी cautious, discreet
Quandary आशंका fear, threat, risk
Quack नीमहकीम impostor, deceiver
Querulous चिड़चिड़ा crabby, grumpy, short tempered, chippy
Quaint विचित्र queer, strange
Quaint विचित्र bizarre, pied, grotesque
Quarantine कोरांटीन seclude, screen
Quirk मोड़ turn, twist, bend, inflection, flexion
Quell वश में करना subdue, reduce
Questionable संदिग्ध dubious,disputable
Quibble वक्रोक्ति equivocate,prevaricate
Word अर्थ Synonym
Populace आबादी population, colony, settlement, pop, township
Pamper संतुष्ट करना flatter, indulge
Prickle काँटा cambrel, barb, grapnel
Paramount आला दर्जे का foremost, eminent
Predicament स्थिति situation, state, case, location
Peerless अद्वितीय matchless,unrivalled
Pounce झपट्टा swoop, lunge, pounce, rush, sally
Peevish चिड़चिड़ा perverse, sullen
Prop सहारा Affiance, fulcrum, peg, stand-by
Perverse विकृत petulant,obstinate
Placid शांत tranquil, calm
Pompous गर्वित haughty, arrogant
Precarious अनिश्चित doubtful, insecure
Predicament स्थिति plight, dilemma
Premature असामयिक precocious,untimely
Prodigious अस्वाभाविक vast, enormous
Prodigy कौतुक miracle, marvel
Profligate अपव्ययी dissolute,degenerate
Profuse विपुल lavish, abundant
Proscribe देश से निकालना prohibit, exclude
Protract बढ़ाना prolong, delay
Provoke भड़काना inflame, incite
Prudent विवेकी cautious, discreet
Quandary आशंका fear, threat, risk
Quack नीमहकीम impostor, deceiver
Querulous चिड़चिड़ा crabby, grumpy, short tempered, chippy
Quaint विचित्र queer, strange
Quaint विचित्र bizarre, pied, grotesque
Quarantine कोरांटीन seclude, screen
Quirk मोड़ turn, twist, bend, inflection, flexion
Quell वश में करना subdue, reduce
Questionable संदिग्ध dubious,disputable
Quibble वक्रोक्ति equivocate,prevaricate