Synonym with Hindi Meaning word Start From 'R and S'
The Most Selected of Words from Previous Exam / Synonyms Start From R and S
Word अर्थ Synonym
Rehash मिला देना enclose, inclose, intermix
Ratify पुष्टि करना consent, approve
Reimburse प्रतिपूर्ति करना compensate, make good, recompense
Ravage नाश destroy, ruin
Relevance योग्यता qualification, merit, ability, aptitude, eligibility
Rustic देहाती rural uncivilised
Ruthless क्रूर remorseless,inhumane
Redeem एवज recover, liberate
Regime शासन rule,governance, government, domination, kingshi
Remnant अवशेष residue, piece
Remonstrate प्रतिवाद करना censure, protest
Residual शेष balance, remainder, remnant, leftover
Remorse पछतावा regret, penitence
Remote रिमोट inaccessible,farther
Revive प्रसन्न करना soothe, gladden, make glad, enchant, indulge
Rescind रद्द कर देना annul, abrogate
Resentment नाराज़गी displeasure, wrath
Retract वापस लेना recant, withdraw
Reverence श्रद्धा respect, esteem
Rout घोर पराजय vanquish,overthrow
Shabby जर्जर miserable,impoverished
Shrewd चालाक cunning, crafty
Solicit मांगना entreat, implore
Sporadic छिटपुट intermittent,scattered
Stupor व्यामोह lethargy,unconsciousness
Slander बदनामी defame, malign
Sneer उपहास mock, scorn
Subsequent आगामी consequent,following
Substantial ठोस considerable,solid
Subvert पलट देना demolish, sabotage
Superficial सतही partial, shallow
Squalid मलिन dirty, filthy
Stain धब्बा blemish, tarnish
Sycophant चापलूस parasite,flatterer
Sarcastic कटु ironical, derisive
Saucy सजीव impudent, insolent
Scanty अल्प scarce,insufficient
Word अर्थ Synonym
Rehash मिला देना enclose, inclose, intermix
Ratify पुष्टि करना consent, approve
Reimburse प्रतिपूर्ति करना compensate, make good, recompense
Ravage नाश destroy, ruin
Relevance योग्यता qualification, merit, ability, aptitude, eligibility
Rustic देहाती rural uncivilised
Ruthless क्रूर remorseless,inhumane
Redeem एवज recover, liberate
Regime शासन rule,governance, government, domination, kingshi
Remnant अवशेष residue, piece
Remonstrate प्रतिवाद करना censure, protest
Residual शेष balance, remainder, remnant, leftover
Remorse पछतावा regret, penitence
Remote रिमोट inaccessible,farther
Revive प्रसन्न करना soothe, gladden, make glad, enchant, indulge
Rescind रद्द कर देना annul, abrogate
Resentment नाराज़गी displeasure, wrath
Retract वापस लेना recant, withdraw
Reverence श्रद्धा respect, esteem
Rout घोर पराजय vanquish,overthrow
Shabby जर्जर miserable,impoverished
Shrewd चालाक cunning, crafty
Solicit मांगना entreat, implore
Sporadic छिटपुट intermittent,scattered
Stupor व्यामोह lethargy,unconsciousness
Slander बदनामी defame, malign
Sneer उपहास mock, scorn
Subsequent आगामी consequent,following
Substantial ठोस considerable,solid
Subvert पलट देना demolish, sabotage
Superficial सतही partial, shallow
Squalid मलिन dirty, filthy
Stain धब्बा blemish, tarnish
Sycophant चापलूस parasite,flatterer
Sarcastic कटु ironical, derisive
Saucy सजीव impudent, insolent
Scanty अल्प scarce,insufficient