Synonym with Hindi Meaning word Start From 'T,U and V'
The Most Selected of Words from Previous Exam / Synonyms Start From T, U and V
Word अर्थ Synonym
Transcribe नक़ल करना mime, imitate, copy, scribe
Taboo निषेध prohibit, ban
Terminology शब्दावली vocabulary, glossary, technics
Tyro नौसिखिए beginner, learner
Taciturn अल्पभाषी reserved, silent
Telescope दूरबीन binoculars, lorgnette, lorikeet
Tedious ग़ैरदिलचस्प wearisome, irksome
Thorn कांटा fork, hanger, fishhook, needle, calkin
Temperate शीतोष्ण cool, moderate
Throng भीड़ assembly, crowd
Thread सूत्र formula, Sutra, clue, filament, provenance
Timid डरपोक diffident, coward
Tranquil शांत peaceful, composed
Tactic युक्ति device, spec,contrivance, stratagem
Transient क्षणिक temporal,transitory
Trenchant तल्खी assertive,forceful
Trivial तुच्छ trifling,insignificant
Tumultuous उथल-पुथल violent, riotous
Unveil खोलना open, unwind, unzip, unscrew, unpack
Umbrage साया resentment,bitterness
Uproar कोलाहल clamor, cacophony, noise, hullabaloo, hubbub
Uncouth गंवार awkward,ungraceful
Upheaval उभार Emergence, embossing, protuberance, highlight, bulging
Usurp हड़पना seize, wrest
Upshot परिणाम result, outcome, consequence, outgrowth, effect
Utterly बिलकुल completely,entirely
Vanity घमंड conceit,pretension
Venom विष poison,malevolence
Veteran वयोवृद्ध ingenious,experienced
Vicious शातिर corrupt, obnoxious
Venerable आदरणीय esteemed, honoured
Vigilant जागरूक cautious, alert
Valour वेलर bravery, prowess
Volatile परिवर्तनशील light, changing
Valid मान्य genuine, authentic
Vouch ज़मानत देना confirm, consent
Vagrant आवारा wanderer, roaming
Vulgar अशिष्ट inelegant,offensive
Word अर्थ Synonym
Transcribe नक़ल करना mime, imitate, copy, scribe
Taboo निषेध prohibit, ban
Terminology शब्दावली vocabulary, glossary, technics
Tyro नौसिखिए beginner, learner
Taciturn अल्पभाषी reserved, silent
Telescope दूरबीन binoculars, lorgnette, lorikeet
Tedious ग़ैरदिलचस्प wearisome, irksome
Thorn कांटा fork, hanger, fishhook, needle, calkin
Temperate शीतोष्ण cool, moderate
Throng भीड़ assembly, crowd
Thread सूत्र formula, Sutra, clue, filament, provenance
Timid डरपोक diffident, coward
Tranquil शांत peaceful, composed
Tactic युक्ति device, spec,contrivance, stratagem
Transient क्षणिक temporal,transitory
Trenchant तल्खी assertive,forceful
Trivial तुच्छ trifling,insignificant
Tumultuous उथल-पुथल violent, riotous
Unveil खोलना open, unwind, unzip, unscrew, unpack
Umbrage साया resentment,bitterness
Uproar कोलाहल clamor, cacophony, noise, hullabaloo, hubbub
Uncouth गंवार awkward,ungraceful
Upheaval उभार Emergence, embossing, protuberance, highlight, bulging
Usurp हड़पना seize, wrest
Upshot परिणाम result, outcome, consequence, outgrowth, effect
Utterly बिलकुल completely,entirely
Vanity घमंड conceit,pretension
Venom विष poison,malevolence
Veteran वयोवृद्ध ingenious,experienced
Vicious शातिर corrupt, obnoxious
Venerable आदरणीय esteemed, honoured
Vigilant जागरूक cautious, alert
Valour वेलर bravery, prowess
Volatile परिवर्तनशील light, changing
Valid मान्य genuine, authentic
Vouch ज़मानत देना confirm, consent
Vagrant आवारा wanderer, roaming
Vulgar अशिष्ट inelegant,offensive