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Technical Staff & Operatives की जॉब के लिए आज ही आपली करें अंतिम तिथि 09/02/2017

Department Name – Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders Limited
पद का नाम Post Name -  Technical Staff & Operatives

कुल पदों की संख्या POST- 1040 Posts

शैक्षिक योग्यता QUAL.- VIII Class, SSC & NAC, HSC, Diploma, D.Pharm/B.Pharm

अंतिम तिथि LAST DATE- 09/02/2017

आयु सीमा AGE- Candidates age should be 18- 33 years as on 01-01-2017. Age relaxation is applicable by 5 years for SC/ ST candidates, 3 years for OBC candidates as per rules.

Fee: Candidates should pay Rs. Rs.140/- (Including Bank charges of Rs.40/-) to be deposited at any nearest branch of State Bank of India (SBI) by using challan. No processing fee for SC, ST, PWD & Ex-servicemen.

Apply: Eligible candidates may send their applications along with all enclosures in an envelope super-scribed with “Post Applied For ____” to DGM (HR-Rec.-NE), Recruitment Cell, Service Block- 3rd Floor, Mazagon Dock Shipbuilders Limited, Dockyard Road, Mumbai-400010 through courier or by post on or before 09-02-2017.

अगर पोस्ट अच्छा लगे तो शेयर और लाइक जरुर करें .