Synonym with Hindi Meaning word Start From 'K, L and M'
The Most Selected of Words from Previous Exam / Synonyms Start From K, L andM
Word अर्थ Synonym
Knoll पहाड़ी hill, mount, pimple, highlander
Kin परिजन family, kindred, clan
Keen इच्छुक sharp, poignant
Kinky गांठदार nodular, nodulated, knotty
Kindred आत्मीय relation, species
Kindle प्रज्वलित करना kindle, inflame, fire
Knave धूर्त dishonest,scoundrel
Knell समाधिवाली झंकार death knell, last blow
Knotty विकट complicated, difficult
Lofty बुलंद elevated, stentorian, exalted, very high
Lavish भव्य abundant,excessive
Lance चुभाना poach, stick, stick in, dig in
Lax ढीला slack, careless
Lascivious कामुक erotic, sensual, sensuous, carnal
Lenient उदार compassionate,merciful
Lineage वंशावली genealogy, pedigree, lineage, ancestry
Liable उत्तरदायी accountable, bound
Liberal उदार magnanimous,generous
Linger ठहराना loiter, prolong
Listless उदासीन indifferent,inattentive
Lucid चमकदार sound, rational
Lunacy पागलपन delusion, insanity
Lure चारा attract, entice
Luscious सुस्वाद palatable,delicious
Luxuriant विलासी profuse, abundant
Minute मिनट diminutive,miniature
Miraculous चमत्कारपूर्ण marvellous,extraordinary
Mitigate कम करना alleviate, relieve
Modest मामूली humble, courteous
Molest छेड़ना harass, tease
Mollify शमन करना appease, assuage
Momentous सब से अहम notable, eventful
Monotonous नीरस irksome, tedious
Munificent उदार liberal,hospitable
Murky बदली का dusky, dreary
Mutinous बाग़ी recalcitrant,insurgent
Mutual आपसी joint, identical
Word अर्थ Synonym
Knoll पहाड़ी hill, mount, pimple, highlander
Kin परिजन family, kindred, clan
Keen इच्छुक sharp, poignant
Kinky गांठदार nodular, nodulated, knotty
Kindred आत्मीय relation, species
Kindle प्रज्वलित करना kindle, inflame, fire
Knave धूर्त dishonest,scoundrel
Knell समाधिवाली झंकार death knell, last blow
Knotty विकट complicated, difficult
Lofty बुलंद elevated, stentorian, exalted, very high
Lavish भव्य abundant,excessive
Lance चुभाना poach, stick, stick in, dig in
Lax ढीला slack, careless
Lascivious कामुक erotic, sensual, sensuous, carnal
Lenient उदार compassionate,merciful
Lineage वंशावली genealogy, pedigree, lineage, ancestry
Liable उत्तरदायी accountable, bound
Liberal उदार magnanimous,generous
Linger ठहराना loiter, prolong
Listless उदासीन indifferent,inattentive
Lucid चमकदार sound, rational
Lunacy पागलपन delusion, insanity
Lure चारा attract, entice
Luscious सुस्वाद palatable,delicious
Luxuriant विलासी profuse, abundant
Minute मिनट diminutive,miniature
Miraculous चमत्कारपूर्ण marvellous,extraordinary
Mitigate कम करना alleviate, relieve
Modest मामूली humble, courteous
Molest छेड़ना harass, tease
Mollify शमन करना appease, assuage
Momentous सब से अहम notable, eventful
Monotonous नीरस irksome, tedious
Munificent उदार liberal,hospitable
Murky बदली का dusky, dreary
Mutinous बाग़ी recalcitrant,insurgent
Mutual आपसी joint, identical