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Indian Army में निकली नौकरी / Apply online in Indian Army

Department Name – Indian Army
पद का नाम Post Name - JAG Entry Scheme 19th Course Oct 2017

कुल पदों की संख्या POST- 14 Posts
शैक्षिक योग्यता QUAL.- Any Degree , LLB
अंतिम तिथि LAST DATE- 22/02/2017
आयु सीमा AGE- Candidates age should be between 21-27 years (Born not earlier than 02-07-1990 and not later than 01-07-1996).
Apply: Eligible candidates may apply online through the website from 23-01-2017 at 10.00 hrs to 22-02-2017 till 10.00 hrs.

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