Synonym with Hindi Meaning word Start From 'A'
The Most Selected of Words from Previous Exam / Synonyms Start with A
Word अर्थ Synonym
Abandoned त्यागा हुआ abdicated, excluded, forsaken, left out
Abate रोक-थाम करना moderate, decrease
Able योग्य qualified, eligible, able, deserving, fit, capable
Abject अधम ,नीच despicable, servile,sneaky
Abjure त्यागना forsake, renounce
Abortive निष्फल vain, unproductive,unfinished, incomplete
Above-board स्पष्ट रूप से clearly, plainly, distinctly, plain, dogmatically
Absolve दोषमुक्त करना pardon, forgive,dispense
Accord सहमति keep in countenance,compare,agreement, harmony
Accuracy शुद्धता purity, precision, chastity, cleanness, exactitude
Acrimony रूखापन,तीखापन sance,spice, harshness, bitterness
Action कार्य Work, thing, function, action, affair, amorousness
Adamant अटल rigorous, hard, adamant, adamantine, horny, heavy,stubborn, inflexible
Adept निपुण skillful, dexterous, skilled, adroit, deft
Adherent पक्षपाती,समर्थक stickler, partial, partisan, devotee, protagonist , follower, disciple
Adjunct सहायक assistant, subsidiary, auxiliary, accessory, helper,joined, added
Admonish धिक्कारना admonish, damn, pshaw, reproach, spurn,counsel, reprove
Advance प्रगति,अग्रिम progress, development, advance
Adversity विपत्ति calamity, disaster, fatality, adversity, distress, plague,misfortune, calamity
Advocate वकील solicitor, barrister, pleader, vakil, defender
Alien विदेशी gringo, stranger, peregrine,outward, extrinsic,foreigner, outsider
Allay निराकरणकरना,शांत करना pacify, soothe,calm, quiet, quell, propitiate, allay
Alleviate कम करना,धीमा करना abate, relieve,soften, alleviate,decelerate, deaden, slow, slow down
Allure फुसलाना confuse, upset, entice, fascinate
Aloft ऊपर up, above, supra
Amazing अद्भुत wonderful, hyperphysical, marvellous, miraculous,
Amplify बढ़ाना increase, raise,enhance,enlarge, extend
Amicable मैत्रीपूर्ण fond, affectionate, friendly
Anxious चिंतित concerned, uneasy, careful
Animal जानवर animal, cattle, beast, livestock, brute, fauna
Antipathy घृणा hatred, hate, disgust, scorn,hostility, aversion
Apathy उदासीनता apathy, dumps, disinterest, unconcern, dispassion, indifference
Apprentice प्रशिक्षु fresher, greener, neophyte, catechumen, learner
Arraign कलंक लगाना arraign, accuse, sentence,delate,charge, blame
Artful चालाक,धूर्त Crafty, acute, adroit, agile, artful, astute
Attendance उपस्थिति presence, impendence, visitation, arrival, visit
Attract आकर्षित draw, attract, charm, Enamour, seduce
Audacity धृष्टता ,साहस adventure, daring, spunk,boldness, arrogance
Authentic विश्वसनीय pure, purified, genuine, strict, clear, authentic, reliable
Awkward अजीब ,भद्दा unsightly, lewd, ugly, misshapen, clumsy, rough
Awaken जगाना wake, arouse, wake up, rouse, awaken, ferment
Award पुरस्कार reward, payoff, recompense, pewter, regalia
Awesome बहुत बढ़िया Horrible, ghastly
Axiom स्वयंसिद्ध ,सिद्धांत theory, principle, tenet, doctrine, maxim, axiom, truth
Word अर्थ Synonym
Abandoned त्यागा हुआ abdicated, excluded, forsaken, left out
Abate रोक-थाम करना moderate, decrease
Able योग्य qualified, eligible, able, deserving, fit, capable
Abject अधम ,नीच despicable, servile,sneaky
Abjure त्यागना forsake, renounce
Abortive निष्फल vain, unproductive,unfinished, incomplete
Above-board स्पष्ट रूप से clearly, plainly, distinctly, plain, dogmatically
Absolve दोषमुक्त करना pardon, forgive,dispense
Accord सहमति keep in countenance,compare,agreement, harmony
Accuracy शुद्धता purity, precision, chastity, cleanness, exactitude
Acrimony रूखापन,तीखापन sance,spice, harshness, bitterness
Action कार्य Work, thing, function, action, affair, amorousness
Adamant अटल rigorous, hard, adamant, adamantine, horny, heavy,stubborn, inflexible
Adept निपुण skillful, dexterous, skilled, adroit, deft
Adherent पक्षपाती,समर्थक stickler, partial, partisan, devotee, protagonist , follower, disciple
Adjunct सहायक assistant, subsidiary, auxiliary, accessory, helper,joined, added
Admonish धिक्कारना admonish, damn, pshaw, reproach, spurn,counsel, reprove
Advance प्रगति,अग्रिम progress, development, advance
Adversity विपत्ति calamity, disaster, fatality, adversity, distress, plague,misfortune, calamity
Advocate वकील solicitor, barrister, pleader, vakil, defender
Alien विदेशी gringo, stranger, peregrine,outward, extrinsic,foreigner, outsider
Allay निराकरणकरना,शांत करना pacify, soothe,calm, quiet, quell, propitiate, allay
Alleviate कम करना,धीमा करना abate, relieve,soften, alleviate,decelerate, deaden, slow, slow down
Allure फुसलाना confuse, upset, entice, fascinate
Aloft ऊपर up, above, supra
Amazing अद्भुत wonderful, hyperphysical, marvellous, miraculous,
Amplify बढ़ाना increase, raise,enhance,enlarge, extend
Amicable मैत्रीपूर्ण fond, affectionate, friendly
Anxious चिंतित concerned, uneasy, careful
Animal जानवर animal, cattle, beast, livestock, brute, fauna
Antipathy घृणा hatred, hate, disgust, scorn,hostility, aversion
Apathy उदासीनता apathy, dumps, disinterest, unconcern, dispassion, indifference
Apprentice प्रशिक्षु fresher, greener, neophyte, catechumen, learner
Arraign कलंक लगाना arraign, accuse, sentence,delate,charge, blame
Artful चालाक,धूर्त Crafty, acute, adroit, agile, artful, astute
Attendance उपस्थिति presence, impendence, visitation, arrival, visit
Attract आकर्षित draw, attract, charm, Enamour, seduce
Audacity धृष्टता ,साहस adventure, daring, spunk,boldness, arrogance
Authentic विश्वसनीय pure, purified, genuine, strict, clear, authentic, reliable
Awkward अजीब ,भद्दा unsightly, lewd, ugly, misshapen, clumsy, rough
Awaken जगाना wake, arouse, wake up, rouse, awaken, ferment
Award पुरस्कार reward, payoff, recompense, pewter, regalia
Awesome बहुत बढ़िया Horrible, ghastly
Axiom स्वयंसिद्ध ,सिद्धांत theory, principle, tenet, doctrine, maxim, axiom, truth