Antonym with Hindi Meaning word Start From 'S, T, U and V'
The Mostaly Antonym Selected from Previous Exam / Antonym Start From S, T, U and V
Word अर्थ Synonym
Sarcastic कटु courteous, gracious
Saucy सजीव modest, humble
Scanty अल्प lavish, multitude
Shabby जर्जर prosperous, thriving
Shrewd चालाक simple, imbecile
Slander बदनामी applaud, approve
Sneer उपहास flatter, praise
Solicit मांगना protest, oppose
Sporadic छिटपुट incessant, frequent
Squalid मलिन tidy, attractive
Stain धब्बा honour, purify
Stupor व्यामोह sensibility, consciousness
Subsequent आगामी Preceding, Previous
Substantial ठोस tenuous, fragile
Subvert पलट देना generate, organise
Superficial सतही profound, discerning
Sycophant चापलूस devoted, loyal
Taboo निषेध permit, consent
Taciturn अल्पभाषी talkative, extrovert
Tedious ग़ैरदिलचस्प exhilarating, lively
Temperate शीतोष्ण boisterous, violent
Throng भीड़ dispersion, sparsity
Timid डरपोक bold, intrepid
Tranquil शांत violent, furious
Transient क्षणिक lasting, enduring
Trenchant तल्खी feeble, ambiguous
Trivial तुच्छ significant veteran
Tumultuous उथल-पुथल peaceful, harmonious
Tyro नौसिखिए proficient, veteran
Umbrage साया sympathy, goodwill
Uncouth गंवार elegant, graceful
Usurp हड़पना restore, compensate
Utterly बिलकुल deficiently, incompletely
Vagrant आवारा steady, settled
Valid मान्य fallacious, deceptive
Valour वेलर fear, cowardice
Vanity घमंड modesty, humility
Venerable आदरणीय unworthy, immature
Venom विष antidote, benevolent
Veteran वयोवृद्ध novice, tyro
Vicious शातिर noble, virtuous
Vigilant जागरूक careless, negligent
Volatile परिवर्तनशील heavy, ponderous
Vouch ज़मानत देना repudiate, prohibit
Vulgar अशिष्ट elegant, civil
Word अर्थ Synonym
Sarcastic कटु courteous, gracious
Saucy सजीव modest, humble
Scanty अल्प lavish, multitude
Shabby जर्जर prosperous, thriving
Shrewd चालाक simple, imbecile
Slander बदनामी applaud, approve
Sneer उपहास flatter, praise
Solicit मांगना protest, oppose
Sporadic छिटपुट incessant, frequent
Squalid मलिन tidy, attractive
Stain धब्बा honour, purify
Stupor व्यामोह sensibility, consciousness
Subsequent आगामी Preceding, Previous
Substantial ठोस tenuous, fragile
Subvert पलट देना generate, organise
Superficial सतही profound, discerning
Sycophant चापलूस devoted, loyal
Taboo निषेध permit, consent
Taciturn अल्पभाषी talkative, extrovert
Tedious ग़ैरदिलचस्प exhilarating, lively
Temperate शीतोष्ण boisterous, violent
Throng भीड़ dispersion, sparsity
Timid डरपोक bold, intrepid
Tranquil शांत violent, furious
Transient क्षणिक lasting, enduring
Trenchant तल्खी feeble, ambiguous
Trivial तुच्छ significant veteran
Tumultuous उथल-पुथल peaceful, harmonious
Tyro नौसिखिए proficient, veteran
Umbrage साया sympathy, goodwill
Uncouth गंवार elegant, graceful
Usurp हड़पना restore, compensate
Utterly बिलकुल deficiently, incompletely
Vagrant आवारा steady, settled
Valid मान्य fallacious, deceptive
Valour वेलर fear, cowardice
Vanity घमंड modesty, humility
Venerable आदरणीय unworthy, immature
Venom विष antidote, benevolent
Veteran वयोवृद्ध novice, tyro
Vicious शातिर noble, virtuous
Vigilant जागरूक careless, negligent
Volatile परिवर्तनशील heavy, ponderous
Vouch ज़मानत देना repudiate, prohibit
Vulgar अशिष्ट elegant, civil